Transparency is an important principle for Comic Relief and we want to be as open as possible about how we use the money given to us. We are accountable to all sorts of organisations and groups; our beneficiaries, funding partners, supporters, the UK public and the communities we work with around the world. By operating transparently we hope to improve our own effectiveness in achieving our mission to create a just world free from poverty.

What We Fund

As a responsible funder we also support sector initiatives to make funding decisions more open. To meet these commitments, we make our data on our funding as clear and accessible as possible through the initiatives 360giving and International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).

360 giving - Comic Relief publishes open grants data

360Giving(opens in new window) supports organisations to publish their funding data in an open, standardised way and helps organisations (both funders and potential funded partners) to understand and use the data to support decision-making and learning.

We publish on the 360Giving platform all UK and International Comic Relief funding committed made since 1st January 2015. This includes the name and location of funded partners, title and summary description, thematic focus, grant amount, start and end dates, and country and region in which the work is taking place.

IATI aims to make information about international aid spending easier to access, use, and understand. It is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together donor and recipient countries, civil society organisations, and other experts in aid information who are committed to working together to increase the knowledge of how and where aid money is spent.

We currently only share information on Comic Relief funding made through programmes joint funded with the UK Department for International Development. 

IATI xml files

The files below are in xml format as this is the format required by IATI. If you would like to explore this data please visit d-portal(opens in new window).

To find out more about our funding, explore our Your Impact section.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit in new window). This means the data is freely accessible to anyone to be used and shared as they wish. The data must be attributed to Comic Relief.