This year, former racing driver, Broadcaster and all-round fundraising champion Billy Monger has taken on the 2024 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship in Kona, Hawaii all in aid of Comic Relief.

Not only did he tackle a 2.4-mile open water swim, 112-mile cycle AND a 26.2-mile run in intense humidity, he also set his sights on the IRONMAN World Championship Record for a double leg amputee!

Now it’s your turn...whether you’re fundraising solo, with a group, workplace or school, be inspired by Billy and set your own epic challenge!

Fundraising Ideas

Get sponsored


Challenge yourself, your colleagues, friends, family or pupils to a ‘try-athlon’ and ‘try’ three completely new physical challenges - rock climbing, aqua aerobics and ultimate frisbee anyone?

Go a distance

Set a Billy themed distance and take it on in-person or virtually as a group - you could do the gruelling cycle, swim or run collectively as a team, complete a 26.2 metre space hopper race between colleagues, or challenge 112 pupils to cycle a mile each.

Epic endurance

Go BIG and take on an individual epic endurance challenge to really get those donations rolling in (or challenge your CEO, your cousin Bob, or the Headteacher!)

Hop & Scoot

If running’s not your thing and the thought of spandex fills you with dread, it's Red Nose Day and ANYTHING GOES! Hop, scoot, moonwalk your way round. The sillier the better.



From posters and stickers to email banners and bucket labels, we’ve got everything you need to GO BIG on your epic Red Nose Day Billy inspired challenge.


How did Billy do?

Keep an eye on BBC1 and iPlayer in the run up to Red Nose Day to find out.

Fabulous fundraisers

36 Aspire academies took part in an EPIC physical relay around Cornwall. Biking, running, walking, swimming or gig rowing between schools, the team raised an incredible £4,227.17 to be split between Comic Relief and Youth Sport Trust. Absolutely inspirational!

Four people wearing red noses standing in front of an Aspire van
What your Money does


Your fundraising this Red Nose Day could help children be happier, families stronger, women safer, communities prouder and millions of lives fairer.