Go BIG with a Red Nose Day Bake Kit
Get your hands on our exclusive Red Nose Day Bake Kit stuffed full of everything you need to go BIG, and host your best bake sale ever. Look the part with Red Nose Day bunting, cake toppers, posters and more!
Register now
Don't forget to register to get all the tips, tools and resources, plus your very own JustGiving page, to go BIG this Red Nose Day.
RND- F - B Fundraising ideas
Raise some dough!
Have a bake sale
Host a Red Nose Day birthday bake sale. No time to bake? Just buy something...shhh... we won’t tell!
Battle with a Bake off
Collect donations and challenge friends, team mates, neighbours or your family to a bake off.
Host a raffle
Raffle off your beautiful bakes.
Celebrate with a party
Go BIG and sell tickets to your very own Red Nose Day birthday party (who doesn’t miss the days of pass the parcel, musical statues and party bags!)
Digital baking resources
We've got all the free downloadable recipes, bunting and cake labels you need to go BIG with your bake sale this Red Nose Day.
Fabulous Fundraisers (bake)
Fabulous Fundraisers
Thank you to the amazing Red Nose Day fundraisers who go BIG to raise the laughs that raise the cash. You’re the best!

For Red Nose Day 2024 best friends Jess and Aliyah made some seriously impressive cakes and sold them at their very own bake sale, raising over £70 for Comic Relief! Thank you for being baking superstars!

For Red Nose Day 2024, Daisy Chain Nursery in Birkenhead put on a fantastic bake sale and raised a brilliant £143 for Comic Relief!

Last year, Rotherwood Care Homes embraced the spirit of giving with some extraordinary Red Nose Day events, including a fancy-dress day, a raffle and a fabulous bake sale for all their staff and residents.
How your money makes a difference
Red Nose Day is about coming together to support each other, and help people across the world, including here in the UK, get the basics that we all deserve, like food, healthcare, education, a safe home, a fair chance at life and so much more.

StreetGames, is a Comic Relief-funded organisation helping young people from underserved communities across the UK to be healthier, safer, and more successful through the power of sport.
Their mission is to make physical activity inclusive and accessible for all, providing activities and food throughout school holidays for families who are most in need. Comic Relief funding helps StreetGames address the school holiday gap provision through their Fit and Fed campaign, ensuring children have a safe space to go during the holidays and have access to a healthy meal at the same time.
Too many young people face hardship, hunger, and isolation, particularly outside of school term- time, as families struggle with cost-of-living increases and the added financial pressures that the holidays bring. Fit and Fed exists to support families when and where they need it.