World’s best tech for good projects are announced

15th May 2017

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The top 100 projects using digital technology to tackle some of the most pressing global challenges of 2015 have been announced.

Nominet Trust, the UK’s leading tech for good funder, has announced its latest NT100 – a global celebration of the 100 most inspiring uses of digital technology for social good.

Social innovators around the world are using a vast array of technology, from humanitarian drones and 3D-printing to geo-location and social media, in order to tackle issues such as healthcare, natural disasters and support for refugees in Europe.

The 2015 NT100 includes Google X’s Project Loon, which aims to deliver the Internet to developing countries via large air balloons and Wayfindr, a project led by UK charity, the Royal London Society for Blind People (RLSB), which allows visually impaired people to navigate via an audio smartphone app.

The 2015 NT100 was compiled from a combination of over 500 public nominations and in-house research. A shortlist of 150 projects was then judged by representatives from ten tech and charity organisations, including Comic Relief.

Judith McNeill, Comic Relief’s Grants Director, said: “Comic Relief’s involvement in this year’s NT100 has strengthened our commitment to digital innovation for social change and transformation in the UK and beyond. These projects are hugely inspiring and we’re very proud to help celebrate their potential as a force for good in people’s lives.”

Vicki Hearn, Director of Nominet Trust, said: “Remarkable people all over the world are embracing technology to combat some of the most pressing social challenges we face today. This year in particular, the resourcefulness of organisations helping those in urgent need is hugely inspirational. Initiatives supporting the communities devastated by the Ebola outbreak and the Nepal earthquake are powerful examples of how imaginative use of digital technology can enable us to respond swiftly to rapidly evolving crises.”

For more information about the projects visit in new window).