Red Nose Day USA returns

15th May 2017

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Red Nose Day will return to the USA in 2016, broadcaster NBC has confirmed.

The two-hour fundraising televised event will air on Thursday, May 26 and feature celebrities from around the world who will gather for a night of top TV entertainment.

“The opportunity to raise money for the most immediate needs of those in poverty through a show that entertains, inspires and educates is truly a privilege,” said Paul Telegdy, President, Alternative and Late Night Programing, NBC Entertainment.

The move comes after the success of the first ever Red Nose Day USA which was held on May 21 2015. It raised over $23 million and was split among 12 US and international charities. The charities for the 2016 Red Nose Day special will be announced at a later date. Retailer Walgreens has once again been confirmed as an exclusive partner and will sell the iconic Red Noses. And M&M’S® will be returning as a presenting media sponsor.

Money raised during Red Nose Day USA will be used to fund programmes that address the immediate needs of children and young people living in poverty in the US and throughout the world.

Red Nose Day USA is run by Comic Relief Inc. which is an independent sister organization of Comic Relief UK, related through their shared vision of a just world, free from poverty; and with the same mission to effect positive change through the power of entertainment.

For more information about Red Nose Day USA go to in new window).