RBS begin 500-mile cycle for Sport Relief

15th May 2017

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RBS kicked off its Official Partnership with Sport Relief today by setting off on a 500-mile cycle ride from London to Edinburgh.

More than 750 staff will be taking part in the five-day challenge, which started at RBS’s main offices in London and finishes at its headquarters in Gogarburn, Edinburgh, stopping along the way at Banbury, Stafford, Birmingham, Manchester, Blackburn and Carlisle.

It’s the first employee fundraising event in a seven-month campaign for RBS to raise as much as it can for Sport Relief.

For those that can’t take to their bikes on the open road, off-road bikes have been set up across over 36 RBS buildings so that staff are still able to clock up their miles and fundraise.

Employees are also being challenged to ‘Beat The Boss’ and attempt to best RBS CEO, Ross McEwan’s time of 1km in 1min 13secs on a static bike.

Ross McEwan is proud to be supporting Sport Relief, and of his staff who, collectively, will be covering 107,500 miles over the five day period.

“I’m delighted that RBS is supporting Sport Relief and I’m looking forward to getting on my bike and starting the fundraising effort. I’ve started my training for it and I’m really pleased with how many people from right across the bank are getting involved.”

“My challenge to all staff who aren’t participating in the cycle ride is to try the 1km static bike challenge. My time is 1 minute 13 seconds – so beat it if you can!” he added.

Sport Relief 2016 will take place from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th March 2016. You can run, swim, cycle or even walk yourself proud at events across the country. There's a distance for everyone, whether you're sporty or not.