Comic Relief’s Ahead of the Game UK initiative aims to improve mental health outcomes in the UK & internationally in Uganda and Rwanda, through combined sport-based approaches and quality mental health support.
March 2020 onwards
Funded partners:
8 UK & 7 International
£3.4m UK & £1.7m international
UK, Rwanda, Uganda
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that mental health can be improved through sports-based approaches which combine sport or physical activity with quality mental health support. However, this needs to be intentional. Research shows that taking part in any sport or physical activity will not automatically, on its own, positively benefit someone’s mental health. Programmes aiming to use sport or physical activity to support those with mental health problems need to be carefully designed to ensure they provide adequate support and are effective.
Ahead of the Game was designed to support new or existing work that combines sports based approaches with quality mental health support to reduce distress and/or improve mental wellbeing. It also aims to contribute to the growing body of evidence by learning from projects about what approaches are effective for whom, in what contexts.
The key principles of Ahead of the Game are:
Improving mental wellbeing and helping people function better
Ensuring mental health provision is intentional, not incidental
Providing sustained support for individuals and communities
Ensuring that provision is high quality, and that delivery staff are themselves well-supported
Building partnerships and/or working collaboratively.
AOTG - Current Funded Partners
Current Funded Partners
We are partnering with the following organisations, to implement the work on the Ahead of the Game fund:

Birmingham Sport and Physical Activity Trust

Watford FC CSE Trust

Football Beyond Borders

Empire Fighting Chance

YMCA Robin Hood Group

Scottish Sports Futures

Stable Life

Community Consortium Uganda

Shooting Touch

Kids Play Rwanda

We Actx for hope