We’re excited to be working with the LEGO Group on a brand new Build the Change challenge.

Comic Relief helps local community organisations and brilliant change-makers here in the UK and across the world. This includes supporting people who are impacted by the effects of climate change.

So, we’d like pupils to have a think about one of the big issues facing the planet - from drought and desertification, food waste, or sustainable building - and then use their imagination to design something that helps to deal with one of these issues.

The LEGO Group has put together these helpful ‘How to’ activity sheets to bring the challenge to life in the classroom or at home, which you can download below.

Download the Activity Sheets(opens in new window)

Unleash your creativity

Here’s Maddie Moate and David from the LEGO Group to give you some helpful tips on how you can unleash your creativity and channel the power of play to help build a better future for all!


You can also learn more about the three themes that the children can choose from for their awesome Build the Change creations by watching the videos below.

Your design could be a simple sketch, or a more detailed drawing – and then when it comes to the build you can use whatever materials you like – from LEGO bricks to recycled boxes and modelling clay.

Food Waste

Meet Skip and Blue, who both go to the same school in Yorkshire in the north of England. They're coming together to try and solve one of our big issues - food waste.

Can you build something to help reduce food waste in your local area? You can think of your home, your school, or even your entire town – you decide.

Sustainable Buildings

Meet sisters Jan and Ash from London. They're trying to think of ways in which we can make the houses of the future greener.

Can you build a house that is good for people and our planet? Think about the materials you would use, what you would use to power the house and how you would welcome wildlife. You can choose to focus on your own home or think bigger and try to solve a problem from around the world.


Meet Fay and his son Kai. They live in a small village in South Sudan, East Africa, an area badly affected by what's called desertification - as temperatures rise, the land becomes drier and more desert-like.

Can you build something to help people fighting rising temperatures and desertification? It can either be something that helps fight rising temperatures directly, or something you can do where you live that will have a big impact across the world – up to you!

This competiton is now closed

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Find out more information about the LEGO Group’s commitment to engage children in sustainability and the environment with their Build the Change programme here. You can also find loads of ideas on how to use LEGO® bricks to keep kids entertained and harness their creative problem-solving potential, visit in new window). LEGO, the LEGO logo and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2024 The LEGO Group.