Young Carers Awareness Day

11th May 2017

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Today is Young Carers Awareness Day in the UK, a national day of recognition for the UK's 700,000 young carers.

These young people are looking after someone, often doing chores or cooking dinner or even helping with their medication, and this can mean that their school work or their social life can suffer.

Comic Relief and YouTube vlogger Patricia Bright have teamed up with five young carers to allow them to show what life is like for them, over a two-month period. They’ll give an insight into everything from their home lives and caring duties, to holiday periods and even their top tips for other young carers.

Comic Relief has been funding projects supporting young carers since 2009 and since then we’ve helped over 5,500 young carers in the UK access support networks to improve their emotional well-being.

Watch Patricia Bright’s film(opens in new window) and subscribe to the Comic Relief YouTube channel(opens in new window) to see the carers’ films as they are posted.