#thisstuffworks: Sean's story

16th May 2017

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“At the project we made a film about dad. When I watched it for the first time I felt happy and sad at the same time but also proud of myself.”

Sean, 9, Twin Vision

“It was the first time I had seen him with a smile on his face since his dad died. We didn’t used to talk about him but now we talk every single day. Sometimes we talk and we cry. Sometimes we talk and we laugh. But we talk.”

Sue, Mother

About the project

Twin Vision uses cash raised through Sport Relief to support children and young people, in Liverpool, who’ve lost a loved one. The project helps young people to communicate and cope with their feelings by making an animation to celebrate positive memories. It also arranges a ‘forget-me-not’ party for close friends and family to share their animations and talk about their loved one. The project aims to increase the self-esteem and confidence of young people, as well as help with the grieving process.

Find out more(opens in new window) about how your generosity has changed countless people’s lives.