#thisstuffworks: Robyn's story

16th May 2017

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“I was raped by a stranger. He left me by the side of the road. It was supposed to be a girls’ night out. He found me instead. When I saw my friend I screamed and cried. I didn’t know how to tell my mum. It hasn’t been easy but I won’t let it wreck my life. The project gave me the confidence to walk and travel on my own again. It’s changed me but I feel like a stronger person now.”

Robyn, 22, SAFELINK

About the project

SAFELINK uses cash raised through Sport Relief to provide emotional and practical support to survivors of rape and sexual assault in Bristol, Avon and Somerset. The project provides immediate help to survivors, aged between 16 and 25, and their families, by making appropriate referrals to health services and supporting them through the criminal justice process. It also runs one-to-one sessions and group work, to help young people to rebuild their lives, develop self-esteem and resilience

Find out more(opens in new window) about how your generosity has changed countless people’s lives.