#GlobalGoals week

17th May 2017

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Comic Relief was proud to support the launch of the Global Goals initiative in September 2015, when 193 world leaders agreed 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The goals were agreed with the ambition of achieving an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. This closely reflects Comic Relief’s vision of A Just World Free From Poverty, where everyone is safe, healthy, educated and empowered and our updated grants strategy has been aligned with the Global Goals to ensure that the work we fund is helping to drive the collective effort to achieve their aims.

The 18th – 25th September 2016 is #GlobalGoals week – a week where our world leaders have the chance to start making these goals a reality. While a strong start has been made, the challenges are huge so we hope that world leaders will come together this week to reconfirm their commitment to these ambitions and help us to build on the progress made over the last year. We are therefore calling on everyone who supports Comic Relief, and our Red Nose Day and Sport Relief campaigns, to make as much noise about the Global Goals as possible, so that we can encourage world leaders to stick to their promises and to get the job done.

For more information and to find out what you can do, visit www.globalgoals.org(opens in new window).