Davina and Fleur are on their way

11th May 2017

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In December 2015, Comic Relief and GSK joined forces to help fight malaria and strengthen health systems in five malaria endemic countries. The first grants have been announced in Tanzania, and Davina McCall and YouTube star Fleur de Force are on their way to meet the new grantees at a special reception hosted by the British High Commissioner, Sarah Cooke.

While in Tanzania, Davina and Fleur will also learn more about malaria’s impact and how the work of this new partnership will help control malaria and reduce its devastating impact on communities and families. Despite huge global progress against malaria, the disease is still one of the world’s biggest killers and claims a child’s life every two minutes.

Over the course of the Partnership, Comic Relief and GSK will work together to fight malaria in Tanzania, Ghana, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and the Mekong sub region to help improve the lives of millions of people and their primary health systems.

Keep an eye on the Comic Relief twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels to find out more about Davina’s and Fleur’s time in Tanzania.