“Bluebell Care Trust is giving me time, space, and assurance that I can do this. Without the project, I think I’d feel quite alone.”
Rachel has dealt with anxiety and depression for about nine years. When she and her partner decided to have a baby, she miscarried quite early on which they both found very challenging. This also meant that when Rachel got pregnant again, she found it difficult and felt detached and unable to enjoy the pregnancy.
When the baby was born, Rachel feared that she wouldn’t bond with her child. A distressing birth process (including having to be blue-lighted to the hospital) meant that she missed very important moments of bonding very early on. Along with continuing health difficulties and struggling to get used to motherhood, she found herself feeling very low.
Although she received a lot of support from her partner and her family, as well as her hospital’s perinatal team, she felt consumed by the worry that she wouldn’t bond with her child.
She was directed towards Bluebell Care Trust, which is a project receiving money from Red Nose Day to help families manage their emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and after birth. They aim to give mums, who are struggling, access to information to support their recovery.
With Bluebell, Rachel found access to group therapy and other vital support, a place where, “if someone asks me if I’m ok, I can say no and have a cry, I’m not ashamed.”